Why Would You Use Turnstiles as an Access Control System?

Why Would You Use Turnstiles as an Access Control System?

What Are the Different Types of Turnstile Gates?

Turnstiles would beneficial to your organization if you intent on maximizing security, minimizing congestion, or managing the flow of employees and  labours on site work.  Most of the turnstiles can be integrated with other security systems such as, access controls like RFID reader, finger print, biometrics, fire alarms.  There are various types of turnstiles which are best suited to different purposes, such as crowd control, speed gates, swing gates, full height turnstiles, Drop arm.

Most of the turnstiles are  either single direction or multi directional access like swing gates, which allows both entrance and exit through the same gate. Swing Gates are not as secure as other designs but they can still be used to successfully restrict entry to areas. They can feature manual or automatic controls.

Drop Arm tripods or  turnstile gates have three arms, which spin as the user enters. They are normally operated using a coin, ticket or card. They can also be activated remotely using push button release. It is easily configured with fire alarm system, when there is a fire signal to these turnstiles, the arm is drop automatically, allowing everyone to easily pass. The major issue with this type of barrier is that it is relatively easy for people to jump over them.

Full Height Turnstiles – These turnstile act like a revolving door and reach a height of around 2 metres. This height makes it impossible for someone to jump over the barrier, making it popular in football stadium and other sporting arenas around the globe. Operated using a number of methods such as, card reader, via a scanner or manually, these gates offer the best secure entry system.

Haywards Turnstiles

The Benefits of Turnstile Gates

The installation of turnstiles provides a range of benefits, not only do they increase pedestrian safety by slowing down the rate of entry and crowding in reception areas and platforms, they also provide a vital means of assisting security screening before entering secure areas, such as a court room or airport. They also provide a way of ensuring that no revenue is lost when they are used to validate payment for entry.

Interested in Improving Pedestrian Access?

If you are interested in installing turnstiles at your premises or to discuss other pedestrian access systems , Our team have  years’ experience in installing access control systems. Reach us at sales@wipaqtech.ae or call us on +971 2 650 3244

More Information Visit:

Id Card Printer, Access Control System, Time Attendance System, Turnstiles

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